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About The Yeast Infection Advisor Team

Since 2003, the Yeast Infection Advisor website has been devoted to helping people overcome yeast related health problems and digestive problems of all types.

These problems can include chronic digestive problems caused by parasites, candida yeast over growth, bad bacteria over growth, skin conditions, chronic vaginal yeast infections or other yeasts over grown within the body.

Combined, we have over 50 years of experience in dealing with these health problems.

We suggest that you use our information in combination with what your doctor advises.

Dan Jackowiak Nc, HHP

Dan is a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner and Nutritional Consultant that personally suffered with yeast and bad bacterial over growth of the gut for most of his life. He used the information found on this website to take his life and health back and has been helping others do the same ever since. You can learn more about Dan here.

Dr. Atmika Paudel, PhD

Dr. Paudel is a Pharmaceutical Biologist that currently works as a Research Scientist  trying to discover novel approaches for the treatment of infectious diseases at Genendeavor Llc in Hayward, California. She has direct scientific experience in the development of treatment strategies for severe Candidiasis. You can learn more about Dr. Paudel here

Dr. Vibhuti Rana, PhD

Dr. Rana holds a Doctorates degree in Molecular Biology from CSIR Institute of Microbial Technology, India. She has extensive experience in Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Bioinformatics. You can learn more about Dr. Rana here.

Dr. Shalaka Samant, PhD

Dr. Samant holds a Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from the University of Illinois in Chicago. She has over 10 years experience in molecular biology, microbial strain manipulation, and synthetic biology. Currently, she is the founder and chief consultant at Biombrella, a life science consulting firm. You can learn more about Dr. Samant here.

Dr. Harmeet Kaur, PhD

Dr. Kaur was awarded her Ph.D in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Maharshi Dayanad University in Rohtak, India in 2015. She has extensive scientific research experience in the use of plants and pharmaceuticals for many species of pathogenic bacteria and Candida albicans. You can learn more about Dr. Kaur here.

Dr. Brittany Xu, PhD

Dr. Xu was awarded her PhD in Food Science in 2017 from the University of Florida. She also holds a Masters degree in Human Nutrition also obtained from the University of Florida. You can learn more about Dr. Xu here.

Guest Authors

Dr. Trisha Berger, PhD

Dr. Berger Medically Reviewed and Co-authored the Yeast Infection in Children page. She took our ideas, fact checked and refined them and produced a 100% medically correct article. She has nothing to do with any other pages on this website nor is she part of the team. You can learn more about Dr. Berger here.

Glossary of Candida Yeast Doctors

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A Few Testimonials From Some of Our Users


Ive been doing a fair amount of Candida research on the net for a while now (getting no helpful answers with doctors) and i just wanted to say thank you for having such a GREAT web site! I think its great that you all are so informative and have covered so many different aspects of this life altering problem.

So no question.. just thank you.



I want to say I never write reviews, but this subject is so important to me, I need  to tell u how u saved my life. Tears fall from my eyes as I type this letter. Tears of enjoy only. At a  young age I ate lots of candy and drank lots of alcohol. I was a boy who was self medicating.  Alcohol is still a problem for me. Only now , at the age of 52 , do I realize, it was candida that I had created inside me.

See, at about 11years old, I had a rash that covered my ear and one side of my neck. The doctors had one idea what it was. As a kid going to school with a bandage on the side of you face was anything but fun. It was candida !!

Jumping 30 years later, this rash started to form in a every slow way. Over years this candida grow to be not so pleasant. Not right in my ear area, but on my face. And then moved into my hairline area. These rashes itched and bled. By now I knew what I had and was on a strict diet to fight the candida. But as I hear, read, and experienced, if u didn't live the life of a strict diet for candida u would continually  become a victim of candida outbreaks:. and I did.

I just want to say your product has given me a new life,and a understanding of who I am, I hope to be a better person to all who have similar problems.  All my love to everyone who understands my pain and, please stay on biofase program, it works .

Sorry for the poor writing. Ernie


Hi Dan,

After the birth of our daughter my wife contracted mastitis and our daughter had thrush. Our primary doctor prescribed Diflucan. It didn't work. I remembered hearing about gentian violet in nursing school. It didn't work. We heard about this website through a friend who had gone through the same ordeal. After following your advice and the diet we noticed that the thrush and mastitis started clearing up after a week. It had totally disappeared after about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. This opened my eyes to a world I had never heard about. I incorporate a lot of the teaching on the website in my own practice as a nurse. Thank you for your diligence to this subject and informing the public on this subject.



Hi Dan,

I'm a Naturopathic doctor in British Columbia and I am thoroughly enjoying reading your daily emails regarding diet. You're very much in line with what I teach my patients and I just wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for your hard work and let you know it's very much appreciated.

Sacha Elliott, ND


I have enjoyed your website and newsletters.  I am a registered nurse with a doctorate and find your work very credible.



Hi Dan,

It's been a while since I last talked to you about my daughter. The last time we corresponded (last August 2015, I think) my daughter age 14 was being treated for very high yeast that was found in her stool. She was doing the anti candidiasis diet, taking high dose probiotics, biofase, garlic and oregano supplements. Since then back in December the doc tested her for isolated yeast and it came back negative. I just wanted to say thank you!




Hello Dan,

I want to thank you from the heart, for your time and your gifts that you are sharing. I am excited to adapt what I am already doing to what you suggest. Hopefully Fibro and Candida will be a distant nightmare someday.




Hi Dan,

Hello, how was your Christmas Holiday? Hope God gave all of whatever you needed. Mine is to wish you a Happy and Prosperous Year. I am through with my taking medicine and I feel like I am completely healed.

Thanks and may God bless you abundantly.




Thank you so much, you are truly a life saver!!



Hi Dan

I have been struggling with Candida for two and a half decades. I have tried just about every diet, routine, protocol, you name it all to no avail. Until now. I have been using a product that Dan developed, that breaks down the thick biofilm that accompanies the yeast colonies. It is an enzyme product called Biofase. It accompanies Profase another phenomenal product. When taken together they break up the film that allows that Profase probiotics to implant themselves in the intestine. Finally after years of suffering I am finally seeing a change in my health.

What I find truly remarkable is how available Dan is when a question comes up. This is a person who not only understands the entire spectrum of Candida but is there at a moments notice to help. His website is chock full of  information about the disease. I have researched for years and I have never seen anything that comes close to this.

Thank you Dan for all you do,


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