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Yeast Colon Cleansing, Just How Important is It?

Updated 10/28/2021

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Vibhuti Rana, PhD - Written by Dan Jackowiak Nc, HHP

Dr. Vibhuti Rana, PhD says... all the information about yeast colon cleansing and dysbiosis mentioned in the article below is medically correct.

Through this article, I want to enlighten the importance of yeast colon cleansing for yeast infections. Why are colon cleansing and yeast infections interrelated and why does an unclean colon promote the growth of Candida yeast and other bad pathogens, microforms, and diseases? I have also included a picture to show you this relationship with my explanation.

The Two Theories of Disease and Yeast Colon Cleansing

In the 1800's French biologist Antoine Bechamp demonstrated that “dis-ease” causes germs. The germs or bad bacteria are already present in the intestinal tract. When things get out of balance, the bad bacteria, that were originally suppressed, wake up and can multiply, allowing the disease to spread as the pathogens weaken the immune system. They come from within, not from without.

His student Louis Pasteur, announced that his investigations successfully proved that germs cause dis-ease. He showed that the bad bacteria came from the outside of the body and attacked it making it sick. Modern medicine adopted this theory and an endless flow of drugs to combat the enemy from without have been created ever since.

Pasteur later recanted on his death bed and admitted that Bechamp was right, but it was too late. Modern medicine had firmly adopted his theories. Medicine would be a lot different today if it had adopted Bechamp's theories instead of Pasteur as you can imagine.

I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle, that we get attacked form imbalances within and from outside.

Let's examine this a minute as it relates to yeast colon cleansing and a person’s overall health.

Dr. Jacqueline Krohn states,
"The improper balance of beneficial bacteria can cause problems, a condition also known as bowel dysbiosis."

She also goes on to say that even though your bowel contains beneficial bacteria, unfriendly bacteria that are normally present in the human intestine can get out of control through overuse of antibiotics  and an improper diet. It is not only the bad bacteria that causes harm, but also their waste. She says, (referring to dysbiosis), "This creates an ideal breeding ground for harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses, and causes more imbalance in the bowel flora."

What Is Dysbiosis and What Does That Have to Do With Yeast Colon Cleansing?

Dysbiosis is usually caused by bad dietary intake, largely containing processed grain foods and an over abundance of sugar. Grains sit in the intestine and ferment, which creates alcohols and toxins that kill good bacteria. They do this because they are not as rapidly digested as real whole foods that contain enzymes to facilitate digestion. They also are quite low in fiber content. So they tend to stick to the intestinal walls, slowing their exit from your body.

A meal high in processed simple grains and sugar can take up to 100 hours to travel the length of your intestines and be disposed of. By then you would have taken five more such meals! Think about that! This sewage and waste is sitting in your intestine fermenting for 4 days and 4 hours, killing good bacteria and altering your intestinal pH in the process before you get rid of it....and this is what can cause Dysbiosis.

Dysbiosis has been linked to Candida, Yeast Infections, Vaginitis, Urinary Tract Infections, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Diarrhea, Constipation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Pancreatitis, Ear Infections, Lupus, Breast Cancer, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Acne, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), and Psoriasis. Poor diet and antibiotics cause most of the dysbiosis. All these illnesses will disappear or greatly improve when you follow this yeast infection treatment plan found on this website.

Good bacteria keeps the ph of the intestine balanced and in the permissible range for good health, by producing vitamins, helping us absorb nutrients, producing lactic acids and hydrogen peroxide, and most importantly, cleaning up the colon waste.

An imbalance leads to an intestine full of backed up waste and low pH. As a normal digestive process, if you eat three meals a day, is to have 3 bowel movements a day! If you’re not, you are altering the pH of the intestine by holding back a lot of undigested food in your gut, and it thus becomes too acidic. The increased acidity allows this backed up food sewage to alter the balance of the life forms found there.  Bad bacteria and viruses thrive in acidic environments  because such an environment lacks oxygen, deteriorating the immune system function.

Dr. Don Colbert said,
"An epidemic of candida and yeast overgrowth has swept our nation. When the body's delicate balance of good bacteria and yeast is out of balance, a host of symptoms can result, ranging from relatively simple GI disturbances, such as bloating, intestinal gas and irritable bowel syndrome, to major disturbances such as psoriasis, colitis, and Crohn's disease."

Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C., a world-renowned author, lecturer and teacher of natural health said,
"It is an indisputable fact that illness, old age, and even death itself are due to the accumulation of waste products (within the body) ... to the inability of the body to replenish its cellular structures and organs with fresh, vital nutrients."

It appears Bechamp was right doesn't it? All the experts mentioned above agree that an imbalanced intestine allows yeast and bad bacteria to get out of control and is eventually responsible for diseases as grave as death.

Now lets get to this picture below:

colon cleansing

The upper part of this picture shows the average transit time of meals from a person on the Standard American Diet (SAD) of processed grains, sugars, and other junk food.

It typically takes 100 hours for a meal to make its way through the intestine before it is disposed of. The person on the SAD diet also holds 8 meals of waste in the colon while the person on the right balanced diet only holds three.

The lower section shows the average transit time of a person on a high fiber diet or the right diet. Now I don't mean a high fiber diet full of whole grains either. I mean a whole fiber diet consisting of plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds. You must also consume good fats every day.

The SAD promotes a toxic environment because it sits in the intestine for so long and the fermenting waste lowers the pH of the intestine. All disease, viruses, bad bacteria and parasites thrive in an acidic environment because it lacks oxygen and food is plentiful.

This acidic toxicity slowly destroys the intestinal integrity of the walls of the intestine which can lead to leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome causes food allergies, skin rashes, breathing difficulties, hives, fevers, and immune system problems to name a few. Note: Gluten, especially from wheat, also causes leaky gut syndrome.

A diet full of whole fresh foods cleanses the colon and strengthens the intestinal walls. Vegetables and fruits also feed the good bacteria that defend us from the foreign pathogens that are present in our bodies. They also raise the intestinal pH making it more difficult for these pathogens to survive and make us sick.

Yeast colon cleansing is important because you are immediately removing a source of food from your diet. You are also getting rid of any possible parasites and their wastes that may be complicating this entire problem.

Yeast colon cleansing also helps to raise pH in the intestine, promoting the growth of good bacteria and the killing the bad bacteria and excess yeast.

Your digestion is going to greatly improve and this benefits your overall health because you are now absorbing all the available nutrition from your foods.

During this yeast colon cleansing period it is also an excellent time to cleanse the liver and gall bladder flushing them of any gallstones and toxins. But do this after you do the colon cleanse so it has room to dump its load.

A person should really do this for one or two months every year if they don't follow an optimal diet. If you do follow a good diet then possibly every two years would probably be sufficient.

Why two months? Because if you do have parasites, one month will not be sufficient to kill the eggs and they will hatch in the second month and now you are re-infected.

I like and recommend the Ultimate Colon Cleanse for yeast colon cleansing. You need at least the 2 Pack to get rid of all the parasites, wastes, and remove excess Candida yeast. The Ultimate Cleanse also contains herbs designed to strengthen the intestinal wall and help repair any leaky gut along with a 2 month supply of an 8 strain probiotic.

For long term colon health for people that do not follow an optimal diet, or even do follow a good diet, after the cleanse it is a good idea to take probiotics  probiotics to help keep you cleaned out and keep the bad microforms under control. Of course, you have to take a strong enough dose to accomplish this and everyone’s system is a little different. However, the dose would be whatever it takes to achieve 2 bowel movements a day or one large one. That could be 50 billion bacteria or 300 billion bacteria. You just have to experiment and find the right dose for you.

Medical Review by Dr. Vibhuti Rana

The root cause of most of the diseases in human body is an unhealthy gut. This happens when the bad microbes take over the control of the gut by suppressing and dominating the gut-friendly bacteria. Dysbiosis or ‘disbacteriosis’ in the gut leads to an impaired microbial population that causes not only digestive disorders, but also extra-intestinal allergies, and immune dysregulation. (1) The modulation of microflora composition in the gut by bacterial interventions is being exploited in order to alleviate the disease activity by the bad bacteria. According to a review article published in 2016 in “Inflammatory Bowel Diseases”, three main microbes result in dysbiosis: Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis, adherent invasive Escherichia coli, and Clostridium difficile. (2, 3)

Coming to the diet of an individual, “Diet is one of the most important influences on homeostasis of the gut microbiota, and is important from birth, as indicated by studies showing different gut microbial compositions in breast-fed versus formula-fed infants”, say Albenberg and Wu, from the Division of Gastroenterology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. (4)

Finally, very essential and important changes in the composition of intestinal microflora thus correspond to changes in the dietary habits, in which the consumption of fiber from fruits and vegetables plays a major role.

1. Carding S, Verbeke K, Vipond DT, Corfe BM, Owen LJ. Dysbiosis of the gut microbiota in disease. Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2015;26:26191. Published 2015 Feb 2. doi:10.3402/mehd.v26.26191.
2. Li J, Butcher J, Mack D, et al. Functional impacts of the intestinal microbiome in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2015. 21: 139–153.
3. Clayton E, Rea M, Shanahan F, et al. The vexed relationship between Clostridium difficile and inflammatory bowel disease: an assessment of carriage in an outpatient setting among patients in remission Am J Gastroenterol. 2009 104 :1162–1169.
4. Albenberg LG, Wu GD. Diet and the intestinal microbiome: associations, functions, and implications for health and disease. Gastroenterology. 2014;146(6):1564–1572. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2014.01.058.

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