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What's the best way to treat a yeast infection if you have autoimmune problems?

by Dorothy
(Birmingham AL USA)

I have had this problem for several years and my doctor keeps prescribing antibiotics which don't work. I also have a fungal problem on my feet. I would like to try using a natural product. I just started a blood thinner, just to let you know. Please help.

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Mar 27, 2022
Our Answer
by: Dan

When you say antibiotics, I am assuming you mean antifungals, more than likely Diflucan (fluconazole). If not and they are prescribing antibiotics for bacteria, they will not work for yeasts.

Your doctor could take a sample, send it to a lab and have them determine what species of yeast it is and what drugs are effective against it.

Your immune system can be strengthened by taking glutathione and Vitamin D3 with a bit of added Vitamin K2. 5000iu's of V-D3 a day is a good place to start.

In order to clear the yeast infection, it is best to use an enzyme formula designed to strip the biofilm. We suggest Biofase but have done a review on the available enzymes on this webpage.

As you strip the biofilm, either prescription drugs or herbs will be more effective to clear the infection. As far as herbs go, if you had the yeast tested for herbs to see what kills it, then you should take all of the ones that are effective. If you haven't done this test, you should take a blended formula such as Microfase. By doing so, you increase your chances of finding many herbs that will work to clear your infection. However, some herbs have interactions with prescription drugs so check with your doctor or pharmacist to see if any of the herbs will interact with your blood thinning medication.

It is also suggested that you take a probiotic that contains bacteria that have been proven to clear yeast infections and stimulate immune function. We suggest Profase but have done a brief review of other probiotics and effective bacteria on this webpage.

For your feet, you could try oregano oil and liquid grapefruit seed extract diluted in a little bit of olive oil. Bragg's Apple Cider vinegar often works as well.

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