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Can removal of dental amalgams cause toenail fungus and athletes foot to flare up?

by Daria
(NY Finger Lakes)

Five years ago I underwent a mod radical mastectommy for invasive ductal carcinoma. Refused chemo, radiation & hormones and have done diet/lifestyle change and multiple supplements, along with other alternative therapies (far infared saunas for example).

Four years ago I went to a holistic dentist and had major oral work done, removing amalgam fillings, cavitations and root canals removed. I did do infrared saunas daily and a stretch of dmso to help detox from mercury. But since then my toenail fungus and atheletes foot (which was basically non existent before) has gotten very bad. Have tried bone broth fasts, no carb diet, apple cider vinegar soaks, h202 foot soaks to no avail. Any suggestions?

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Jul 23, 2021

by: Dan

Did the dentist use a rubber dam during the amalgam removal to prevent pieces of the fillings from going down your throat? Did the assistant keep the suction tub close to the drilling sight to remove the fumes? If so you probably had very little exposure to the mercury; other than if the fillings were older than 10 years old and leaked. However, have you done a urine challenge test using either DMSA or DMPS? If not, you should to determine the level of mercury in your body. Blood tests for mercury can be useful too but they will only measure circulating mercury, not what is lodged in the tissues.

DMSO is typically used for bladder inflammation, limb pain that usually occurs after an injury, and leakage of IV drugs from the vein into surrounding skin and tissue, not for removing mercury. DMSA is a much better option.

Studies show that mercury fillings are indeed a risk factor for oral thrush, and elevated body levels will help Candida yeasts grow in the intestine. But I am unaware of any studies on elevated mercury levels and nail fungus or athletes foot. These two conditions are typically caused by Tinea species which usually only infect the outside of the body.

You might try essential oils such as oregano, cinnamon, and liquid grapefruit seed extract. Vicks Vaporub also works in 50% of the cases for nail fungus. OTC Lamisil or Micatin quite often works for athletes foot. I do have a page on treatment for mercury poisoning here if it helps.

May 12, 2024
Mercury fillings NEW
by: Anonymous

Any time fillings are installed or removed , you are exposed to dangerous amounts of mercury . Even if all safety precautions are followed , vapors are still inhaled that far exceed the safe limit . Yeast will flare and chelation protocols should be used . Chelators like ALA along with DMPS , or DMSA should be utilized .

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