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What is the best way to take Floraphage?

by John

As I understand, Floraphage suppose to kill the bad guys inside the gut so the good bacteria have more room to repopulate. But what time should I take it, is it best together with probiotic or apart, with food or empty stomach?

I wonder if can bacteriophages interfere with probiotics if taken at the same time, since they can infect bacteria too?

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May 19, 2024
Our Reply
by: Dan

The bacteriophages in Floraphage eat E. coli and in doing so the nutrients that are released feed good bacteria in the gut.

If taken with probiotics away from food it will feed those good bacteria and increase their populations substantially. If taking it this way I would take one capsule with your probiotic.

If taken away from food without a probiotic it will reduce E. Coli levels, which prevents infections from this bacteria such as urinary tract infections and Sibo. At the same time it provides food for the other bacteria present in your gut. One or two capsules would be the best way if you want to take it without taking a probiotic. Or one capsule twice a day away from food would also be good.

I hope that answered your question but if not please let me know.

May 20, 2024
How about probiotics?
by: Anonymous

So that means, it is best taken with probiotic away from food 2 hours after meal or 30 min before meal, is that right?

How about probiotics?

I have 2 kinds of probiotics, one is 100 billion CFU per cap and other is 50 billion CFU. Is it best to take both probiotics at one dose at same time (150 billion in one dose), or should I take them in 2 separate doses?

May 20, 2024

by: Dan

Two hours after meal or 30 min before meal would work. Or first thing in the morning when you get up or at bedtime.

It's entirely up to you on the probiotics. You could take them separately or together.

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