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Can I take black walnut liquid herb if I have SIBO, Candida yeast, and a 3mm kidney stone?


I have been diagnosed with leaking gut, SIBO, Candida yeast, Kiebsiella, and a 3mm kidney stone. I take Candida yeast pills with Allicin, berberine HCL, oregano leaf extract, and caprylic acid in it, I take grapefruit seed extract with artemesia annua, and echinacea in it. I take olive leaf, slippery elm and l-glutamine.

I don’t have any pain with my kidney stone, I have those infections in my gut. Do you think taking black walnut would benefit me? Some people said I should take anti-parasite products to kill the eggs from Candida yeast. Do you think Black walnut will help my situation?

Hope to hear from you soon.


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Jan 19, 2022

by: Dan

Hello Papoose,

First of all, Candida does not lay eggs. Most species reproduce by budding from a chain of connected spores called blastospores. These blastospores can be elongated, ovoid, or spherical. In species that also produce pseudohypha the blastospores develop off of those hyphae.

Black walnut hull does have antifungal abilities and may be of help if the subtype of Candida you are infected with is susceptible to it. If it is not susceptible to it, it will have no effect.

It may also help if the bacteria that is over grown in your gut and is causing your SIBO, is susceptible to it as well.

The only way to know if the Candida and bacteria that you are infected with is susceptible to any of those products you mentioned, is to have those herbs tested against them by a lab.

It does work well for parasites such as worms and will kill them as the eggs hatch. If you do have parasites two months on black walnut hull, clove and quite possibly wormwood should resolve that problem.

It shouldn't have any effect on the kidney stone but it is best to consult your doctor to be sure.

Any other questions let me know.

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