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by Robert
I'm taking one Biofase capsule first thing in the morning and one in the evening just before bed. After a week or so I started to get constant die-off reactions, which have been going for about 3 weeks. I'm getting fed up with them now. I'm thinking of cutting down to one capsule a day.
I'm on a low-carb diet, mainly broccoli, chickpeas and a little olive oil, with a little chicken once every couple of weeks, but I have rice every few days. Are the capsules meant to work regardless of the diet e.g. even if I eat rice?
If Biofase tackles the hyphael form then I'm guessing that the normal type of yeast will proliferate when I eat rice but meanwhile the hyphael form will be gradually chipped away. Is that correct, that the Biofase will reduce the hyphael form even if the normal yeast proliferates due to diet?
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