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When can I eat more carbs on the Candida diet?

by Nikita

I've been on the protocol for 4 months now and my symptoms of eczema, allergy, vaginal itching have all lessened but if I try to eat more than 60 carbs in one day or more than 30 carbs in one meal my symptoms become noticeable again. I get painful and itchy breakouts like allergic reaction around my lower part of the face and inner arms and a little vaginal itching too. I have been on 60 grams of carbs from day 1 and I thought down the line I could eat more but I can't yet. What's wrong? I'm really doing everything. I take weekly ozonated saline, vit c and glutathaione IV drips, saunas and enemas too as part of my protocol.

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Jan 03, 2022
Effective strategy
by: Dan

Sometimes the diet works for milder infections but sometimes it doesn't. Moderate to severe infections will almost always require supplements or medications in addition to diet to resolve the over growth.

Are you taking any of the enzymes, we suggest on this webpage? These enzymes strip the biofilm yeasts build over the top of themselves as a means of protection. If not, you need to do so. Although we suggest Biofase any of those are better than nothing at all.

As you remove the biofilm you should also be taking herbs like those suggested on this webpage to kill the yeast. Candida yeasts are no different than bad bacteria, which most people will take antibiotics for. So you have to either take herbs, or prescription medicines, that have anti-yeast effects to get it under control. If you have not been tested to see what kills the yeast, it is best to take four or five different herbs at a time so some of the herbs will have positive effects. Blended formulas such as Microfase also work well.

As you remove the biofilm and yeast from your intestinal wall, it is best to take probiotics designed for yeasts that will attach to your intestinal wall and crowd it out. We have a list of effective bacteria species on this webpage that you can use to make product comparisons. We also have a list of formulas that work well on that page.

Once you are following an effective plan, it is best to continue for three to six months. Candida yeast has a nasty habit of coming back if you stop to soon.

Jan 04, 2022
Is it okay if I get itchy after eating?
by: Nikita K

Yes i was tested and my candida was 2+, kleb 3+ and blasto was moderate and I'm taking everything as suggested. What I don't understand is why am I not able to eat more than 30 grams carbs per meal without symptoms even after 4 months. And the more important question for me, if I'm eating 30 grams of carbs and it triggers the itching a little is this okay or am I feeding the candida too much?

Because this has happened many times during the diet and I've continued to heal throughout it. But I really want to be able to include more carbs in my diet without having to suffer from the after effects. I haven't yet included fruits, potato, psuedo grains yet. Would be really grateful if you can help me with this question that I've had for the longest time.

Jan 04, 2022

by: Dan

A +2 level would be considered a moderate infection.

I suggest 20 grams of carbs per meal if you eat three meals per day. That satisfies the required carbs needed for the red and white blood cells, which keeps your immune system strong. Any more than that, as you suggested, means you are probably feeding it. Feed it and it can double its population in an hour, which puts you right back to square one over and over and over again.

I would consider keeping those carbs at 20 grams per meal or possibly 50 grams total per day and increase the doses of the enzymes, herbs, and probiotics. Get more aggressive for a few months.

Jan 04, 2022
by: Nikita k

Thank-you that was really helpful!

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