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Glyconutrients: The Scientific Proof of These Sugars That Heal

Updated 1/26/2020

Medically reviewed by Dr. Atmika Paudel, PhD - Written by Dan Jackowiak Nc, PhD

Dr. Atmika Paudel, PhD says... The facts provided in this article about glyconutrients are medically correct and backed up with literatures.

Glyconutrients are an amazing immune system supplement whose efficacy has been established by the world's leading scientists and researchers, as the key to proper cellular communication and proper cell function.

Many medical professionals and research scientists believe this medical breakthrough in glycoscience will lead to them becoming a household word within the next three years and believe Glyconutrients will soon become mandatory for overall health. With the speculation of becoming a "staple nutritional supplement" for all 6 billion people on Earth, even business analysts believe Glyconutrients will become a household staple.

Scientists are networking over the emergence of this new technology called "glycobiology"- the discovery of cellular communication! Books and articles are being published on this life-enhancing technology everyday!

Take a look for yourself!

Nobel Prizes. Four of the last eight Nobel Prizes for medicine have dealt with the cellular communication process and its importance to our wellness. The 1999 Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to Dr. Gunter Blobel for his work in this new field of Science- Medicine called Glycobiology.

1996 Harpers Biochemistry, 24th Edition is the definitive reference for medical students and contains the latest information in the field of Biochemistry. Chapter 56, entitled Glycoproteins is devoted to glycoscience. This textbook that has been educating healthcare professionals about Glyconutrients and their role in health and healing since 1996. From a clinical perspective, one class of nutrients absolutely necessary for optimal cellular communication and which is essentially missing from our food supply is glyconutrients.

These are necessary carbohydrates (monosaccharides) that according to Harper's Biochemistry, only 2 or 3 of the necessary 8 are commonly found in our diet. These monosaccharides provide the necessary building blocks that enable the cells of our body to communicate effectively. It lists and details the importance of these newly discovered components for healthy cell structures, processes, functions, and disease prevention.

Sugars That Heal; The New Healing Science of Glyconutrients is a comprehensive book offering a practical introduction to the public as well as to many health professionals. As founder of the Glyconutrients Research Foundation and author of Sugars that Heal, Dr. Emil Mondoa explains, these eight sugars, known as saccharides, are the basis of multicellular intelligence- the ability of cells to communicate, cohere, and work together to keep you healthy and balanced.

"In test after test conducted at leading institutes around the world, saccharides have been shown to lower cholesterol, increase lean muscle mass, decrease body fat, accelerate wound healing, ease allergy symptoms, and allay autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis, and diabetes. Bacterial infections, including the recurrent ear infections that plague toddlers, often respond remarkably to saccharides, as do many viruses- from the common cold to the flu, from herpes to HIV."

Miracle Sugars provides more valuable information on the latest discovery of Glyconutrients. After years of research, Rita Elkins M.H. has concluded that the lack of these beneficial sugars in your diet are a major reason for most of today's diseases such as, cancer, diabetes, auto-immune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. The need for all essential sugars is vital for optimal health.

Sixth International Congress on Anti-Aging and Bio-Medical Technology, Las Vegas Nevada, Dec. 1998 reported that 8 of the 10 bio-markers of aging that lead to disability in an aging population were shown to improve significantly by a Nutraceutical Augmented Optimal Health Wellness Plan.

Muscle mass...increased, strength...increased, percentage of body fat...decreased, aerobic capacity...increased, blood glucose tolerance...increased, cholesterol/HDL ratio...decrease, blood pressure...decrease, bone density...increase, basal metabolic rate...not tested, body temperature regulation...not tested. A large group of subjects were tested by The Health and Medical Research Foundation who are not associated with the marketing of these products.

Acta Anatomica ~ Glycosciences, Issue 161/1-April 1998 International Journal of Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology. The Acta Anatomica is a highly respected scientific journal, featuring our scientific breakthrough. The article explains the unsurpassed coding capacity of the 8 glyconutrients that make up our discovery and states: "Glycosylation is the most common form of protein and lipid modification but its biological significance has long been underestimated. The last decade, however, has witnessed the rapid emergence of the concept of the sugar code of biological information. Monosaccharides represent an alphabet of biological information similar to amino acids and nucleic acids but with unsurpassed coding capacity."

Science Magazine, Special Issue ~ Carbohydrates & Glycobiology, March 23, 2001. A publication of Stanford University for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science Magazine dedicated an entire 200-page magazine issue to educating the science and medical community about Glyconutrients, Glycobiology and Glycoscience.

The March issue, 2001 was dedicated to the science behind the discovery and technology of Glycobiology. "Saving Lives with Sugar" is among several articles in this specially focused issue of Science.

Scientific American ~ Medicine, Jan. 22, 2002. "Changing Cancer Cells' 'Surface Sugars' Can Inhibit Tumor Growth."

The key to halting cancer cells may lie in their sugary coats, scientists say. Carbohydrate molecules surround all cells and help them to identify and interact with one another. Now new research, published on Jan 22, 2002 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, indicates that altering some of the surface sugars associated with cancer cells can control tumor growth. The findings suggest that the sugars could one day serve as targets for new anti-cancer therapies.

MIT's Technology Review ~February 2003. In a journal published by one of the premier research institutions in the world, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the spotlight is on sugars in "10 Emerging Technologies that Will Change the World," which can be found in the February 2003 issue of Technology Review. The authors detail technological developments they believe will "dramatically affect the way we live and work." Sugars are one of the three technologies predicted to have a significant impact on human health. Glycomics "could have an impact on health problems ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to the spread of cancer cells."

MIT's Technology Review ~October 2001. "Sugars Could be Biology's Next Sweet Spot." Technology Review promotes the understanding of emerging technologies and their impact on business and society. In this issue the magazine emphasizes the next field of biology is waiting to break out: glycomics. This emerging discipline seeks move sugars and carbohydrates into the mainstream of biomedical research and drug discovery.

The 2001 October issue of Technology Review Magazine stated that although the code of the human genome has been cracked, doctors and pharmaceutical companies are making little progress to decode and exploit the data. An emerging field called "glycomics" will do for carbohydrates what genomics and proteomics have done for genes and proteins. "In fact, sugars are involved in everything from embryonic development to regulation of the immune system."

Scientific American ~ July 2002. "Sweet Medicine: Building Better Drugs from Sugars." "A new generation of drugs will be based on sugars- a neglected set of molecules." Sugars play critical roles in many cellular functions and in disease. Study of those activities lags behind research into genes and proteins but is beginning to heat up. The discoveries promise to yield a new generation of drug therapies.

Pharmaceutical companies are developing synthetic versions of the active sugars. You can now get them from a Nutraceutical Company, in a natural form that your body recognizes and utilizes without having to process a toxic-drug-counterpart.

Cracking the sugar code of biological information Acta Anatomica, Vol. 161 , No. 1-4 (1998) Glycosciences.

The highly respected international journal Acta Anatomica devoted an entire issue of their publication Acta Anatomica Vol.161, No. 1-4, 1998 publication to the topic of the glycosciences. The chapters do not only highlight the latest findings but also evaluate the impact these advances have on our understanding of cell adhesion in fertilization, inflammation, differentiation, human disease and on drug design. Providing an up-to-date reference source, this publication will be a valuable primer for scientists and graduate-level students from the fields of anatomy, histology, cell biology, pathology, cancer research, pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry.

Committee of Government Reform: Comprehensive Medical Care for Bioterrorism Exposure. In November, 2001 the Company's Medical Director addressed a congressional subcommittee on Bio Terrorism & the evidence supporting the potential for glyconutrients and micronutrient dietary supplementation to support natural defense and healing mechanisms to ameliorate bacterial, viral and fungal infections due to the outstanding results of our products on the human immune system.

M.D. News, ~ June 2002. M.D. News, a national publication with regionalized editions in 40 major medical markets in the U.S. This 3-page article covers the science of sugars and reviews specific topics such as successes with fibromyalgia, toxic shock and diabetes.

Featured is Michelle, who in 1998 was a typical 10- year-old child with Down syndrome, attention deficit, always sick and hospitalized many times due to severe asthma attacks. Her life consisted of the nebulizer, antibiotics and steroids. That daily medical regime is no longer a part of her life since her parents, Barbara and Jacques, began giving her glyconutritional products.

"Michelle now has the quality of life every parent wants for his or her child," says Barbara. "We know she'll get sick from time to time, but it won't be life threatening. Michelle has always been a beautiful child, but we and others have noticed that the facial features associated with Down syndrome have become less pronounced, a side benefit we didn't expect." (excerpt from Las Vegas Magazine, July/August 2001.)

The True Sweet Science: Researchers develop a taste for the study of sugars. The article makes known much of the research currently being done in the new field of glycobiology and the potential medical benefits these health giving sugars entail.

Advance for Managers of Respiratory Care, July/August 2002. Feature article entitled "Glyconutrients Could Offer Novel Approach to Asthma."

Fisher Institute for Medical Research Fisher Institute for Medical Research seeks to promote wellness by providing research into the benefits of glyconutritionals, phytochemicals, and functional foods.

American Nutraceutical Association Providing quality education to health care professionals, consumers and manufacturers involved in the emerging nutraceutical industry.

Media Validation

The following print and news media articles discuss glyconutrients.

Miracle in South Dallas - "Mrs. Denise Hampton says she has seen a 'miracle' in the lives of some of the school children she has taught in her nearly three decades of teaching. Over the years she has witnessed a growing number of good children turn into bad students.

"'A local medical doctor introduced me to a food supplement known as glyconutrients,' she says. 'My 10- year-old niece, Ashley, was having problems focusing in school. The doctor told me that glyconutrients were crucial to our daily diets, that they were safe and that they enhanced the body's immune system.'"

Las Vegas Magazine featured an incredible story about Greg Letourneau, an Executive of the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, whose 10 doctors had given up on as he was rapidly losing his life to streptococcal toxic-shock syndrome. One Dr.'s last-ditch effort of intravenously administering Glyconutrients saves Letourneau's life. Greg was on his death bed with Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) when Dr. Michael Schlachter put glyconutrients into his feeding tube. Today, Greg is alive and well and credits his survival to glyconutrients!

Unfortunately, Greg's Story has been removed from the LVRJ's archives.

Ms Fitness Magazine said glyconutrients are the "only way to thrive on an ailing planet" polluted with toxins and other environmental concerns. The 4 page article addressed the need for every single living person to consume glyconutrients for optimal health. A second issue ran an article sharing glyconutrients' ability to fight cancer.

Karate magazine featured an interview with Dr. Bob Ward (former strength and conditioning coach for the Dallas Cowboys) in which he recommended glyconutrients because of their ability to enhance athletic performance better than anything else on the market.

Natural Muscle Magazine. "How To Thrive on an Ailing Planet - Glycoproteins." This is an excellent article on how to overcome the deficiencies in our modern-day diet by Spice Williams-Crosby.

Newsweek (April 25, 1994) featured a story that talked about the power of the same substances in glyconutrients to "kill and necrose cancer in the human cell"

ABC's 20/20 ran a story on the company, and its product.

"Do No Harm," a medical thesis by Dr. Michael Schlachter, highlighted in the Las Vegas Magazine article above, speaks out to physicians worldwide emphasizing why doctors must integrate glyconutrient technology into their medical practice. "After seeing the benefits and noting the scientific validation of these nutrients, I no longer consider the addition of proper nutrients to the diet as a luxury. It is a fundamental and integral part of helping my patients achieve and maintain the health that they want and deserve.

Michael Schlachter, M.D. - Integrative Health & Healing "If you do nothing more than to begin to question present day medical dogma, I have done my job."

You can also go over to the National Library of Medicine where independant researchers and scientists post their findings in the health fields. Enter glycoproteins in the search box and read the reports that come up on this amazing health technology.

Well, just how much proof do you need about this food? That's right, these glyconutrients are food that we do not get in our diets any more, and most of us are deficient.

Medical Review by Dr. Atmika Paudel, PhD

The article describes the reports and news that have said that glycolnutrients are important for body. The article further says that there are eight glyconutrients which are saccharides, and 2 or 3 are obtained from diet. 

I think anyone reading the article would be curious to know about the names of those eight glyconutrients. I will mention them in my commentary below.

Glycoproteins are molecules that contain both glyco (sugar) and protein. The roles of glycoproteins is largely dependent upon the sugar chains of glycoproteins. When sugars bind to proteins, the properties of these proteins are changed and they are no longer proteins, instead they are glycoproteins. Glycoproteins have numerous health benefits. What we obtain from diet are sugars (saccharides), and eight sugars bind predominantly with proteins to form glycoproteins.

The eight glyconutrients that form glycoproteins in the body and the above article is talking about are; galactose, glucose, mannose, fucose, N-acetylgalactosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic acid. These are regarded as essential nutrients as we get them from our food. Among these eight, we obtain mostly glucose and galactose from diet these days. The glyconutrients are found in fruits and vegetables, however, only when they ripe on the plant. Unfortunately, most vegetables and fruits available in the market these days are artificially ripened. So, there comes the necessity of organic fruits and vegetables, and supplementation to get all of these glyconutrients.

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